Duchess Nantua
Poulet Saute Maryland
Banana Fritters
Corn gallet
Pommes de terre Croquettes
Duchess Nantua
Prep time: 90 Minutes
Choux paste-
Water 80ml
Butter 20gms
Salt to taste
Refined flour 50gms
Egg 1no
Nutmeg a pinch
For filling-
Mayonnaise 50ml
Onions (chopped) 5gms
Tuna fish 30gms
Prepare a choux paste in the following manner. Bring water to boil, add butter. Then slowly add the refined flour, mix with wooden spoon. When paste starts leaving the sides, add egg.
Put the mixture in a piping bag and pipe out on a baking tray. Bake for about 30 minutes in a moderate hot oven. Cool, prepare the tuna filling and pipe inside the baked choux paste. Garnish with a sprig of Parsley and serve as a starter or as a side dish.
Ø It is advisable to press the tuna through a fine sieve for a better texture
Poulet Saute Maryland
Chicken 1no
Refined flour 15gms
Eggs 2nos
Bread crumbs 100gms
Clarified butter 150ml
Seasoning to taste
Clean and cut chicken into sauté cuts. Pat dry in a cloth. Season. Dust in seasoned flour, dip in eggs and apply crumbs. Shallow fry in hot clarified butter till brown. Serve with fried bacon, fried bananas and corn gallet. Garnish with chopped parsley.
Ø Can be served with browned bacon rashers also.
Ø If slightly raw from inside, chicken can be finished off in the oven.
Banana Fritters
Prep time: 30 Minutes
Bananas 1nos
Milk 50ml
Flour 30gms
Egg ½
Oil to fry
Baking powder a pinch
Peel banana, ½ lengthwise and cut into long pieces. Prepare a batter with flour, egg and milk and baking powder. Immediately dip slices of bananas in batter. Deep fry. Drain. Serve as accompaniment with chicken Maryland.
Ø Serve immediately or else it will lose its crispness.
Ø After frying place the fritters over an absorbent paper so as to soak the excess oil.
Ø Do not use over ripe bananas.
Corn gallet
Prep time: 20 Minutes
Flour 100gm
Salt 2gm
Powder sugar 5gm
Butter 5gms
Water 60ml
Baking powder a pinch
Egg 1no
Corn on the cob 1nos
Remove the corn from the cobs and boil in water till cooked. Mix the ingredients into an ordinary paste, keep in a cool place for at least half an hour and then mix it. Hot a hot plate, apply a little oil and spoon out into macrroon shape, cook till done.
For the corn, take out the grains from the cob and boil in salted water, coarsely crush and mix in the paste.
Ø Add a pinch of nutmeg in the paste for a better flavor.
Ø After boiling the corn coarsely crush the corns.
Pommes de terre Croquettes
Prep time: 45 Minutes
Potatoes 300gms
Salt and pepper to taste
Egg yolks 1 no
Butter 15gms
Egg 1no
R.flour 10gms
Bread crumbs 50gms
Oil to fry
Prepare mashed potatoes. Add seasoning, butter and egg yolk. Roll out into neat cylindrical shape about 2” length. Paner the potatoes. Deep fry in hot oil till golden brown. Drain on an absorbent paper and serve hot.
Ø Flavor the mashed potatoes with a pinch of nutmeg.
Ø Serve immediately as a side dish after deep frying.